This full implementation is the result of a responsible and collaborative governance approach to sustainability initiatives, relying on aligned interests, employee contribution and structured oversight
TOBAM’s New York Office, Avenue of the Americas. Credits: Christophe Roehri.
We have set up our own “Sustainable Way” of working towards greater Corporate & Social Responsibility for two main reasons:
- Responsibility and Consistency: like any rational economic agent, we take into consideration sustainability issues in our daily operations and, as an investor, we have an additional duty to be exemplary so as to indirectly encourage issuers to improve their long term practices, by showing that we apply a stringent Corporate Social Responsibility policy to our own daily operations, in line with the sustainability requirements expressed towards investee companies in our Responsible Investment approach.
- Efficiency: we consider that Corporate citizenship a factor that contributes to companies’ performances over the long run.
In line with the 10 Principles of the UN-Global Compact, that we signed up to in 2010, our policy covers the entire scope of sustainability issues and most of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but focuses mainly on key areas where impacts and levers for improvement are significant, i.e.:
- Developing a responsible and Collaborative Governance
- Monitoring our direct Environmental impact, through mitigation and offsetting
- Promotion of Social progress, both internally for our employees and externally by contributing to NGOs’ efforts for the benefit of human rights, or sponsoring art and youth.