An out-of-the-box approach to choosing asset classes

Given the uncertainty and risks associated with making and implementing macroeconomic forecasts, TOBAM’s multi-asset approach applies a 100% bottom-up approach consistent with the firm’s founding principle: diversification. In this paper, we look at ways to identify diversifying investments to complement an existing allocation: – Is it possible to quantify the marginal diversification brought by a…

Investing sustainably without giving up Market Premium

This Dashboard challenges the widely cited notion that accommodating SRI investment policies necessarily impacts the risk-return behavior of the portfolio. Indeed, our research suggests that a portfolio construction approach that aims to maximize diversification, actually lends itself to accommodation of potentially highly restrictive SRI investment policies, without significant impact on the risk-return characteristics of the…

Signs of rising stress in the High Yield market’s largest sector, Energy

On the back of the shale oil and gas boom in the US, Energy has slowly become the preeminent concentration of the High Yield space. We believe that this level of debt is increasingly becoming unsustainable for the market, as observed in 2015-2016 during the first Energy crisis, or more recently in Q4 2018. Today, after a period of calm, signs of stress are appearing around the Energy sector again.
Should these warning signs be taken seriously? And what should a credit investor do to mitigate these risks?