TOBAM launches LBRTY®, a civil and democratic rights focused strategy

TOBAM launches LBRTY®, a civil and democratic rights focused strategy: – Risks associated with authoritarian regimes should be factored in portfolio construction. – Studies show investment in autocracies delivers much lower investment returns. – Most exposure to autocracies is indirect, through companies listed in democratic countries but exposed to the downside of autocracies. – The…

TOBAM’s Summer Reading Series

Since 2009, TOBAM has chosen Democracy enhancement as its field of philanthropy. We believe Democracy enhancement is fully aligned with the mid and long term financial interest of our clients. Over the summer, we’ll explore thought-provoking research papers that resonate with our beliefs.

First recommendation: “Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development” by Mancur Olson (1993):

Can High Yield be the credit markets sweet spot?

Despite the looming economic slowdown, the severity of which is yet unknown, the High Yield (HY) market presents an attractive investment opportunity. Most investors are underweight High Yield, we thus want to make an argument for the contrarian view that, beyond supportive short term technicals, the asset class deserves a new assessment. • Fundamentals are…