TOBAM LBRTY® Diversification Dashboard: Outperformance & Geopolitical events

We are delighted to share with you our most recent research piece: “TOBAM LBRTY® EM Strategy Dashboard: Outperformance & Geopolitical events”.  In this note, we specifically look into: • TOBAM LBRTY® investment strategy as a hedge against the potentially severe financial aftershocks arising from crises triggered by authoritarian regimes. • TOBAM LBRTY® strategy over the…

TOBAM LBRTY® webinar replay

Exposure to authoritarian countries is not worth the risk in a portfolio. TOBAM has launched TOBAM LBRTY® Equity Strategy, an approach to equity investing seeking to mitigate exposure to countries governed by autocratic regimes. TOBAM’s original and extensive research on portfolio’s authoritarian exposure leads to four main conclusions: There is a tyranny risk driver, The…