multi asset : anti-benchmark® strategies
- Seeks to avoid risk concentration and provide steadier capital growth than market cap-weighted indices
- Is long-only, with no leverage and fully invested
- Allocates dynamically using Anti-Benchmark® strategies to maximise diversification within & among asset classes
- Combines allocation to Equity, Credit Strategies as well as other diversifiers (Bitcoin and Blockchain related equity, inflation assets)
- Implements a proprietary ESG policy (SRI Exclusion List / ESG integration / Systematic Carbon Footprint Reduction / Engagement & Voting)
Investment philosophy
3-YEAR | ||
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ITD (Inception to Date) |
Investment philosophy
3-YEAR | ||
5-YEAR | ||
ITD (Inception to Date) |
Source: TOBAM The information provided relates to past performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy. Performance is shown on a Net Asset Value (NAV) basis, with gross income reinvested where applicable. The return of your investment may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations if your investment is made in a currency other than that used in the past performance calculation. The sub-funds mentioned in the website are either part of Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV, an open-ended Luxembourg-based investment company (Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable), validly formed and existing in accordance with the laws of Luxembourg and which is registered with the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier), or part of an AMF declared FCP (fonds commun de placement). TOBAM is the global distributor and the manager of the SICAV. The sub-funds may not be eligible for sale in some states or countries and they may not be suitable for all types of investors. In particular, they are not eligible for sale in the US. The sub-funds presented on this site may only be subscribed in the jurisdictions in which their marketing and distribution are authorized. TOBAM advises all interested parties to check in advance whether they are legally entitled to subscribe to the sub-funds presented on the website. The reader of this message is requested to ensure that he/she is legally authorized to consult this site from the country from which the connection has been established. Any investment in Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV should be made on the basis of the current legal documents (prospectus, KIID and reports). Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance and may fluctuate over time. For details of the investment risks, see the current KIID and prospectus in its entirety. All investors should seek the advice of their legal and/or tax counsel or their financial advisor prior to any investment decision in order to determine its suitability. The value and income produced by an investment may be adversely affected by exchange rates, interest rates, or other factors so that an investor may get back less than he or she invested. If a product is income producing, part of the capital invested may be used to pay that income. All the information contained herein may not be reproduced in any form without the express permission of TOBAM and to the extent that it is passed on, care must be taken to ensure that any reproduction is in a form which accurately reflects the information presented here. Whilst TOBAM believes that the information is correct at the date of production, no warranty or representation is given to this effect and no responsibility can be accepted by TOBAM to the recipient of this document or end users for any action taken on the basis of the information contained herein. No reliance may be placed for any purpose on the information and opinions contained in this document or their accuracy or completeness. Opinions expressed herein reflect the opinion of TOBAM and are subject to change without notice. This website is not a transactional site. This website is for information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation, solicitation, offer, advice or invitation to purchase or sell any sub-funds or to enter in any transaction and should in no case be interpreted as such, nor shall it or the fact of its distribution form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract for the same.
fixed income : anti-benchmark® strategies
- Seeks to avoid issuers’ risk concentration and provide steadier capital growth than market cap-weighted indices
- Is long-only, unleveraged and fully invested
- Matches benchmark average duration (+/-10%)
- Complies with TOBAM ESG policy (SFDR article 8)
- Has a proven Track Record across many market regimes and across both corporate Global IG and HY markets
Investment philosophy
3-YEAR | ||
5-YEAR | ||
ITD (Inception to Date) |
Investment philosophy
3-YEAR | ||
5-YEAR | ||
ITD (Inception to Date) |
Source: TOBAM The information provided relates to past performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy. Performance is shown on a Net Asset Value (NAV) basis, with gross income reinvested where applicable. The return of your investment may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations if your investment is made in a currency other than that used in the past performance calculation. The sub-funds mentioned in the website are either part of Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV, an open-ended Luxembourg-based investment company (Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable), validly formed and existing in accordance with the laws of Luxembourg and which is registered with the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier), or part of an AMF declared FCP (fonds commun de placement). TOBAM is the global distributor and the manager of the SICAV. The sub-funds may not be eligible for sale in some states or countries and they may not be suitable for all types of investors. In particular, they are not eligible for sale in the US. The sub-funds presented on this site may only be subscribed in the jurisdictions in which their marketing and distribution are authorized. TOBAM advises all interested parties to check in advance whether they are legally entitled to subscribe to the sub-funds presented on the website. The reader of this message is requested to ensure that he/she is legally authorized to consult this site from the country from which the connection has been established. Any investment in Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV should be made on the basis of the current legal documents (prospectus, KIID and reports). Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance and may fluctuate over time. For details of the investment risks, see the current KIID and prospectus in its entirety. All investors should seek the advice of their legal and/or tax counsel or their financial advisor prior to any investment decision in order to determine its suitability. The value and income produced by an investment may be adversely affected by exchange rates, interest rates, or other factors so that an investor may get back less than he or she invested. If a product is income producing, part of the capital invested may be used to pay that income. All the information contained herein may not be reproduced in any form without the express permission of TOBAM and to the extent that it is passed on, care must be taken to ensure that any reproduction is in a form which accurately reflects the information presented here. Whilst TOBAM believes that the information is correct at the date of production, no warranty or representation is given to this effect and no responsibility can be accepted by TOBAM to the recipient of this document or end users for any action taken on the basis of the information contained herein. No reliance may be placed for any purpose on the information and opinions contained in this document or their accuracy or completeness. Opinions expressed herein reflect the opinion of TOBAM and are subject to change without notice. This website is not a transactional site. This website is for information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation, solicitation, offer, advice or invitation to purchase or sell any sub-funds or to enter in any transaction and should in no case be interpreted as such, nor shall it or the fact of its distribution form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract for the same.
Stewardship policy
TOBAM considers stewardship as a way to consider its shareholder and creditor position on behalf of its clients to influence investee companies, investors, the asset management industry and our clients. The objective is to take responsibility for long-term value creation, including the value of common economic, social and environmental assets.
TOBAM uses several tools to achieve an efficient stewardship policy and further integration of sustainability principles and good corporate governance in the companies in which it invests.
TOBAM’s Stewardship policy’s primary objective is to identify and influence investee companies under controversies or facing long term challenges and to use our shareholder and creditor responsibility as a way to further the dialogue and to influence best practices. Management of potential reputational, legal, environmental, social risks is the priority of TOBAM’s stewardship policy.
TOBAM uses General Assembly Votes, Engagement, Contribution to Public Goods (Research) and Public Discourse (media & Conferences) to enhance its stewardship responsibility, reach better understanding of investee companies’ policies, develop risk monitoring of controversies, sustainability and climate related risks and promote best practices.
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Under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), we may treat you as an elective professional client if, after our assessment of your expertise, experience, and knowledge of you, we are reasonably assured that, in light of the nature of the transactions or services envisaged, you are capable of making your own investment decisions and understanding the risks involved. This is the “qualitative test”.
In making our assessment we may rely on information we already possess about you and/or request additional information from you and/or call you to discuss your investment experience.
WARNING: Professional vs Retail Categorisation:
As a Professional Client, you are granted fewer protections than if you were categorised as a Retail Client. In particular:
1. you are likely to be provided with less information with regard to us, our services and any investments (for example on costs, commissions, fees and charges);
2. communications, including financial promotions made by us with professional clients are not subject to all of the requirements imposed by MiFID on communications with Retail clients.
3. where we assess the appropriateness of a product or service, we can assume that you have sufficient knowledge and experience to understand the risks involved;
4. if we are required to assess the suitability of a personal recommendation made to you, we can assume that you have sufficient experience and knowledge to understand the risks involved, and can sometimes assume that you are able financially to bear any investment risks consistent with your investment objectives;
5. when fulfilling our best execution requirements we are not required to prioritise the overall costs of the transaction as being the most important factor in achieving best execution for you;
6. we do not need to inform you of material difficulties relevant to the proper carrying out of your order(s) promptly;
7. should we provide you with periodic statements, we are not required to provide them as frequently as for Retail Clients; and
8. you are likely to have fewer rights to compensation of loss in the event of our bankruptcy under any scheme under local law for the payment of compensation.
Client Declaration and Warranties:
1. You have carried out transactions, in significant size, on the relevant market at an average frequency of 10 per quarter over the previous 4 quarters.
2. The size of your financial instrument portfolio, defined as including cash deposits AND financial instruments, exceeds EUR 500,000.
3. You work or have worked in the financial sector for at least one year in a professional position, which requires knowledge of the transaction or services envisaged.
Please consult our data protection policy (Chapter 16) on our website.
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Your jurisdiction may not give you full access to the list of funds distributed by TOBAM, for more information please contact [email protected]
Sustainability integration
TOBAM’s Research team has built a proprietary methodology to construct the Sustainability Performance Footprint of each individual stock holding in our portfolios, hence the sustainability performance footprint of our portfolios.
Using officially published data from Bloomberg in order to monitor the sustainability criteria for all listed companies of our investment universe:
- Existence of climate change / biodiversity / energy efficiency policies ; green building, water and waste usage…
- Ethics/Equal opportunity/training/ consumer data protection/whistleblowing policies, CSR committee in place, supply chain management ….
- Number of board meetings per year, % independent directors, chairman tenure, % non-executive directors in board …
TOBAM’s is now integrating sustainability and has implemented this hard constraint to all our equity portfolio, in order to optimize portfolios so that they, at minima, match the footprint of their respective benchmark.
As usual, TOBAM’s integration efforts is built in parallel to significant research efforts to ensure that these new additions did not significantly impact the characteristics of our portfolio in terms of risk/return profile, as well as diversification structure.
TOBAM is currently working on integrating the sustainability performance footprint to fixed income portfolios.
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Exclusion policy
TOBAM offers a quantitative management approach which integrates socially responsible investment criteria via an exclusion list.
Applied to equity and fixed income strategies, respectively since 2007 and 2015, we are looking at Maximum Diversification® indices since 2011, this negative screening is based on the exclusion list published by the Norges Bank, a renowned investment institution and founding member of the PRI , as some other leading institutions.
This exclusion list involves controversial products ( Tobacco, Coal, Weapons ) and other controversial behaviors ( Human rights, Environment and International Laws, severe damages or breaches ).
We are committed to third parties, the industry and the investment companies as another crucial step towards the promotion and development of responsible investment.
Fossil-free focus on two strategies
TOBAM also applies a 100% fossil-fuel free approach to two of its strategies: Anti-Benchmark® Emerging Markets Equity and Anti-Benchmark® Global High Yield.
Companies with significant involvement in the production, sales or extraction of fossil fuels (including coal, coal power generation, oil and gas) are excluded from the investment universes of both strategies.
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This website is not intended for persons in jurisdictions in which the publication of its content is illegal, or for whom access to this content is illegal due to their nationality or place of residence. The same applies for countries for which TOBAM has not applied for marketing authorization. The information on this site is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation, or which would require TOBAM to comply with any registration requirements of such countries or jurisdictions. In this respect, the marketing authorization for TOBAM Bitcoin linked strategy has only been granted in France. In particular, it is stipulated that the undertakings for collective investment (UCI) have not been and will not be registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission as provided by the Investment Company Act of 1940 and its amendments or any other regulation on transferable securities.
All information on this site is provided for information purposes only. No information appearing on this site shall be considered as an offer of services or products, in particular investment services, from TOBAM, nor as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell financial instruments or any other investment product, nor as advice for any investment or arbitrage of financial instruments or any other management or investment product. The information on the TOBAM website does not constitute investment, legal, tax or other advice. Nor may it be considered as the basis for an investment decision or any other decision. Any investment decision must be based on relevant, specific, and professional advice. Any person wishing to obtain one of the services or products presented here is requested to contact TOBAM, in order to find out about the availability of the service or product in question as well as the contractual conditions and fees applicable to it.
If you wish to invest, you should also contact your advisor, who will help you to assess whether the products are suitable for your investment needs and objectives and will also explain the potential risks. Investment in funds should only be made after consulting the regulatory documentation. These documents can be obtained either from this site or directly from TOBAM.
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We also remind you that by continuing to use this Site, you agree to be bound by our current Legal Information. Please ensure that you have reviewed and fully understand the most current version.
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Your jurisdiction may not give you full access to the list of funds distributed by TOBAM, for more information please contact [email protected]
the client service & business development team
The Client Service & Business Development team coordinates Client Service and Business Development from Paris and New York offices, and has been continuously expanding together with TOBAM’s AUM growth. The team evolves in a multicultural environment and currently includes members from Europe, America, and Asia.
The Client Service & Business Development team in Paris sits together with the Portfolio Management and Research Team which facilitates the cooperation and constant flow of information between the different teams.
Job Description
- Involvement in the client service activity which includes:
- Coordinate with IT to set-up customized client reports.
- Ensure that client receive timely, quality, detailed information in line with their requirements and in a consistent manner.
- Manage product-specific deliverables for external distribution channels.
- Contribute on various ad-hoc projects to improve the Client Service and Business Development team operations.
- Participate in Business Development process, including but not limited to, RFP content management, production of sales presentations, portfolio analysis, etc.
- Other general marketing/sales support as needed.
The Candidate prerequisite
- Top-notch business or engineering school.
- English fluency and strong writing skills are required.
- Strong computer skills: advanced in Excel,
- Strong analytical skills, team spirit, proactive, attention to detail, keen to learn and learn fast.
Please send over your ENGLISH CV.
Tobam’s Research team comprises highly skilled mathematicians, engineers, economists & traders.
Job Description
The candidate will:
- Share her/his time between academic research and internal quant research projects.
- Demonstrate mental agility in a fast-paced, demanding environment.
- Have the capacity to operate independently and flexibly.
- Report to the Head of Research and the Deputy CIO.
- Work out of our Paris office (with home office options)
The Candidate prerequisite
- PhD in Physics, Biology, Math, Finance, Economy, …
- Proficiency in Python or Matlab.
- Excellent English writing skills.
- Good general communication skills and team spirit.
- Strong interest in financial markets
Definite plus: Strong Academic track record.
6-month Internship (from mid-June)
Pre-employment internship and possibility of Alternance
TOBAM, a quantitative asset management firm with assets approx. $10 billion and 51 professionals (as of December 2021), is currently recruiting an intern to join its Paris-based Client Service & Business Development team. The company offers innovative investment capabilities and provides institutional clients with diversified core equity exposure, both globally and in domestic markets. The firm has been experiencing a significant expansion, one of the largest in the industry, and is looking for a candidate who can contribute to its strong growth.
The Client Service & Business Development Team
The Client Service & Business Development team coordinates Client Service and Business Development from Paris and New York offices and has been continuously expanding together with TOBAM’s AUM. The team evolves in a multicultural environment and currently includes members from Europe, America, and Asia.
The Client Service & Business Development team in Paris sits together with the Portfolio Management and Research Team which facilitates the cooperation and constant flow of information between the different teams.
Job Description
- Involvement in the client service activity which includes:
- Coordinate with IT to set-up customized client reports.
- Ensure that client receive timely, quality, detailed information in line with their requirements and in a consistent manner.
- Manage product-specific deliverables for external distribution channels.
- Contribute on various ad-hoc projects to improve the Client Service and Business Development team operations.
- Participate in Business Development process, including but not limited to, RFP content management, production of sales presentations, portfolio analysis, etc.
- Other general marketing/sales support as needed.
The Candidate
Top-notch business or engineering school.
English fluency and strong writing skills are required.
Strong computer skills : advanced in Excel,
Strong analytical skills, team spirit, proactive, attention to detail, keen to learn and learn fast.
Please send over your ENGLISH CV.
justin bécret, rising surf star
Born in Bayonne (South West of France) in 2001, Justin grew up with his feet in the sands.
Supported by his parents who 15 years ago, established the Natural Surf Lodge, between lake, forest and ocean. This environmentally responsible living environment, provides Justin with a beneficial and suitable structure for his training.
A native from the European capital of board sports, Justin has a great desire to travel the world (Australia, Tahiti, Hawaï, Denmark..) which he will be able to do upon being successful in joining the professional circuit, the CT.
In 2022, Justin has been selected to join the highly prestigious Rip Curl Pro Portugal event and is looking to participate to the Olympic games in Paris in 2024.
TOBAM is proud to support this young athlete, who remains humble and accessible. Go for it Justin!
If you want to learn more about Justin, please read “Life of a Surfer“
Carbon footprint reduction
Since the adoption of Norges Bank’s exclusion list in 2007, tobam has implemented a number of initiatives to further supplement its sustainable investment approach. tobam’s research department dedicates a significant amount of its time and resources to study the ways in which sustainable investment and ESG topics can be integrated into portfolios without disrupting tobam’s Maximum Diversification® philosophy.
tobam’s research team carried out extensive research on the reduction of the carbon footprint of our portfolios via the implementation of a carbon footprint constraint compared to the market cap weighted benchmark of the investment universe.
Based on our findings, we demonstrated that a systematic reduction of 20% of all of tobam’s portfolios carbon footprint versus their respective benchmark has no significant impact on the portfolio’s risk/return profile, nor on its diversification benefits.
This relative carbon footprint reduction constraint was implemented in the portfolio optimization process, for all Anti-Benchmark® equity portfolios since June 2018, to all Maximum Diversification® Indices since September 2018 and to fixed income portfolios since June 2019.
We are really proud to have another beneficiary of the Initiative, Aurélia Boulanger, a very talented young triathlete.
Aurelia just graduated as an engineer, specialized in urban planning and sustainable buildings.
She started her triathlete career in 2018, and became the winner of the 2019 French long distance triathlon.
TOBAM is proud to support a female athlete, in a sport that is less prone to media attention but requires an absolute dedication and commitment to trainings and competition.
Her objective this year is to qualify for the Triathlon 70.3 World Championship, due to be held on December 2022 in New Zealand. This “half-Ironman” is a long-distance triathlon race consisting of 1.9km swim (1.2 mile), 90km bike (56 miles), and 21.1km run (13.1 miles) !
Aurelia’s dedication to her sport, trainings and objectives sets a high example for all of us. We are happy to support Aurélia for her future endeavours.
Discover Aurélia’s interview from April 2022
Good Luck Aurélia!
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